MPCC supports both local and foreign missions. Some are supported monetarily once a month through our tithes & offerings. Others are supported both monetarily and through hands on projects. All of them need our continued prayer support.
If you are interested in serving at a local mission, please feel free to reach out to the mission directly or to our mission committee and they would be happy to help you get connected!

Local Missions
Becky's Place
Becky's Place is a shelter for women experiencing homelessness and in need of spiritual recovery.
How to help: If you want to help Becky's Place, you can get involved with financial support, material donations, serving on the advisory board, volunteering for projects or as a staff member, and through prayer. Contact them at (812) 275-5773
Bertha's Mission
Bertha's is a local soup kitchen that serves the community.
How to help:
- Help deliver meals Tuesdays-Thursdays from 12:30-2
- Help meal prep 10am-12pm
Contact Name: Patshawna Nickeo
Email: berthasmission@gmail.com
Bertha's always needs volunteers! Sign up here
Free At Last Ministries
Previously called "Heaven Nevaeh", Free At Last helps those in the community have support through addictions while also teaching them the gospel.
How to help:
- A lot of building projects need to be done
- Fresh fruits and vegetables donated
- People to help meal prep heart healthy meals
Contact Name: David Norris
Email: support@freeatlast777.com
Hope Resource Center
Hope Resource Center is a pregnancy counseling care facility.
How to help:
- Help new families: Join the mealtrain and make meals, or they can use help with babysitting
- Volunteer at the Hope Kids Closet
- Become a driver of the Hope Mobile
- Find a list of items Hope collects and also other ways to give or volunteer here
(812) 275- 2827
LIFE Food Pantry
Life provides food for families in need. They are also able to provide support for housing, utilities or furniture on occasion.
How to help:
Volunteers needed for: cleaning, organizing, painting, & repairs around buildings
Donate Items: Item donations list
Men's Warming Shelter
The Men’s Warming Shelter offers our homeless neighbors resources and a safe, welcoming and warm place to sleep so that no man freezes to death on the streets and roads of Lawrence County.
How to help:
- They are looking for more volunteers to partake in their Tuesday and Thursday meetings. Tuesday is meal and Bible Study beginning at: and Thursdays are AA Meetings at
- People to be involved in their At- Home Support. Taking men who have been put in housing to lunch, church, small group etc. just people to invest in the men's lives. Once a week is all it takes.
- SPIN (Supporting People In Need) Monday-Friday 9am-11am always looking for volunteers
Contact Name: Heather Flynn- Email: hflynn.stonecityalliance@gmail.com
Wonder Valley Christian Camp
Wonder Valley is a church camp in Salem, Indiana.

Global Missions
Living Water Ministry - Haiti
We have sent multiple short-term mission teams to Haiti through Living Water. We have helped provide clean water, a working school, and medical support to a village in NW Haiti.
New Life Children's Home - Haiti
A rescue center/orphanage that continues to receive orphaned, abandoned, sick, and special needs children whose lives are dramatically changed through God's love. They are a part of World Harvest Missions Outreach. There are currently 107 children living there. On our past Haiti trips, we have stayed at the Children's home and served there.
North Burma Christian Mission - Tom & Debbie Morse
These third-generation, career missionaries have started a Bible college and many churches. They believe that over the 90 years of NBCM nearly a million people have been impacted by the gospel of Jesus Christ.
North India Christian Mission - Deepak & Simmi Dhingra
They are planting churches and caring for the poor in an area dominated by Hindu and Sikh thinking. They have started medical clinics and job training centers.
Pioneer Bible Translators - Scott Family
The Scotts are currently in Texas to support the PBT ministry, which aims to translate the Bible and plant churches in the world's least-reached people groups.